Hi, I am Fiona Jane

As a mother, I know how sweet the moments are with our children, where we want to draw them in and keep them close. I also know that those moments are short, and sometimes all we have to remember them is a photograph.

I always had a camera in my bag, it was something I kept with me to catch the seconds that were too precious to miss. But after our first family photoshoot, something inside of me needed more. A burning desire to frame these moments for all families began and with the help of a dear friend, I took the leap of faith. I bravely left my corporate job to pursue a passion that would lead me down a road of friendship, joy and adventure.

For the last 24 years as a photographer, I have had the privilege of sharing a window into many lives across our beautiful country. I have watched baby bumps grow and little humans appear. I have seen milestones reached, uniforms gathered ready for big school and celebrations as matric exams were completed. Families have let my lens into their most special days from marriage and birth, to daily life and celebrations. I have captured smiles. I have captured tears and I have captured love. I have captured the flash of a moment that became the photo you turn to most.

And on this journey, I have also learned lessons, some that were hard and some that were part of the adventure. But as each season has rolled around in the lives of the families I have worked with, the most valuable lesson I have learned is to treasure each moment whilst we can. Soon those little kicks in your belly are trying on their first pair of school shoes, and in the space of a heartbeat they’re forging ahead with their own journey.

Working as a photographer has been an incredible adventure, and so many of you have become lifelong friends. Looking back at the last 22 years I can sincerely say that with every click of my camera and shutter of my lens, I know that I have been privileged to capture beautiful souls.

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your lives


Meaker Family

My family’s journey with Fiona Jane started just before the birth of our firstborn, she has created the most treasured memories of our maternity, new born and 6 month shoots with our 3 gorgeous girls! Always traveling from Cape Town for Fiona to magically capture the essence of our family and give us beautiful memories! Somehow even when I was convinced that not all family members had done what it takes to produce the desired results . Fiona has captured the perfect shots.